About Me

Technical Lead - 14 years of experience

Technical Lead • Software Architect • Team Leader • Senior Full Stack Software Development Engineer • Master's Degree (INSA Lyon, France) • 14 years experience • Java │ Spring │ Angular • Airline IT Specialist

Passionate coder.

Advocate of clean, human readable, functional, robust, secure and performant code.

Critical regarding the use of a new technology unless there is a strong need for it.

Mainly attracted by open standards such as: Java, Jakarta EE, JavaScript & Web standards.

Constantly trying to simplify things. Constantly learning.

  • Age 37
  • Residence Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Nationality Moroccan
  • LinkedIn linkedin.com

What I Do

Frontend developement

Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, NgRx, RxJS, HTML, CSS

Backend developement

Java, Spring

Coaching / Training

Code reviews, Training sessions

Architecture & Design